Croco 3D Pattern Area Rug

The Croco Area Rug is above all contemporary- its monochrome, 3D structure giving a striking animal skin effect. Its shiny velvet-like texture comes from a new generation fibre called Ecose, which combines shine and resistance. This rug will find its place in high traffic areas, including dining rooms, living rooms and entrances, thanks to its very easy care and its resistance to stains and wear.

Dimensions: Medium-5’6’’ x 7’1’’ Large-6’7’’ x 9’1’’

Materials: 75% Ecose (polyester), 25% Wool; Hand tufted in India.

Lead Time: 3 weeks, Ships from France.



Toulemonde Bochart’s story begins in the 1970s in Wissous, France with the establishment of a small, family-run home furnishings company. Since then, the company has developed and maintained close relationships with their production workshops, allowing for an exchange of tradition and modernity, movement and serenity. Following and, very often, introducing new technologies and new techniques in the rug field, Toulemonde Bochart’s expert artisans create absolute masterpieces. All are manufactured by hand in India and Nepal, insuring quality control. The rugs are design-oriented and eco-conscious while offering an excellent representation of Parisian style.

True to its crafts tradition, Toulemonde Bochart continues to use special techniques to produce its products. Their founding technique is hand weaving on flat or shuttle looms. Based entirely on human action, this process makes it possible to obtain simple or complex geometric patterns. Another signature technique of theirs, the hand-knotted method, involves working stitch by stitch from a pattern drawn on paper; time-consuming, yes, but it favors precision and quality. In contrast, their hand-quilted technique uses a frame to stretch out a canvas made of threads sewn together. The design is then printed on the canvas and perfected by hand. Toulemonde Bochart is internationally renowned for the quality and detail of its rugs, achieved in tandem by its designers who express their vision of the present and its weavers whose work endlessly renews their ancestral gestures in the respect of tradition.


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