A note from our Co-founder, Abigail King
When Gaston and I started thinking about sustainable design and how to build a business centered around sustainability in the furnishings industry, we heard many incredible stories of technology and innovation that we were sure would be the future of the industry. As we dug deeper and began studying the history of sustainability in the design world, it became obvious that concepts such as zero-waste production and curricular economy are nothing new. In fact, indigenous communities around the world have been practicing sustainable design principles for thousands of years. In many ways, they provide the blueprint for modern craftsmen and product designers who incorporate sustainability standards into their work.

With this in mind, we wanted a name that would honor the roots of this not-so-novel concept of sustainability in the industry. We wanted to establish with our very name that we are dedicated to empowering, connecting with, and learning from those who came before us, whose land we are settlers on, who serve as an example of living in harmony with the earth.

Adornment, Ornament, Decoration
Cacha has its roots in Argentina; it is where Gaston and I met, it is where we were when the idea was born, and we are closely connected to several brands based there. We decided to choose a word from the Mapuche language which is spoken by an indigenous group native to west-central Argentina and south-central Chile. Meaning “land of the people,” many Mapuche practices and beliefs, including healing ceremonies and the use of herbal medicine, are deeply connected to the natural world and the Mapuche’s ancestral land.
The Mapuche also have a rich tradition of textile production, a practice that existed long before the Spanish conquest of Latin America. For thousands of years, women in Mapuche communities passed on weaving techniques and patterns to younger generations. They raised native species of alpaca, sheep, and vicuna, harvested wool, and made all kinds of textiles that served as important trading goods, including ponchos, blankets, rugs, and sweaters. Presently, there are around 300.000 Mapuches living in Argentina, many of whom support their families working these traditional crafts.

Cacha is the Mapuche word for adornment, ornament or decoration. This word resonates deeply with us because we seek out pieces that are art in and of themselves. Our curated collection of furniture goes far beyond functional, bringing beauty, joy, and inspiration to your space. We hope that by adorning your home with Cacha pieces, you are able to showcase your own story, passions, and dreams.